Saturday, August 2, 2014

Part I: Life Lately

It's been a few years since I've attempted blogging... I tend to have a handful of really (what I assume to be) great posts and then, without meaning to, I fall off the face of the earth. So here's endeavor #4,527...

Full disclosure: There's no "theme" here. My apologies if you were searching for the latest on celebrity gossip, fashion faux-pas or cooking gone wrong. <--- Though now that I think of it, cooking gone wrong (ie: #nailedit(s)) could be extremely appropriate here! This is just lil' ole' me, "doin my thang" as the kids say ;)

And so it begins...


Here's what's on my mind today::

The hubster (henceforth referred to as TH) and I have been trying to grow a small human for a few years now to no avail. Fast forward through a lot of sleepless nights, tear-stained pillows, angry yells to heaven, negative PTs, etc... This past September, we decided to start the process of adoption. {teeny weeny soap box:: adoption has *always* been a part of our plan to grow our family... we're not adopting because we "have to" or because we can't "have our own" kids... we've felt lead to adopt since early in our marriage. we just didn't realize it may be the only option for us. aaaaand lecture over.

So here's the timeline thus far...
September 2013 - Attend informational meeting with Bethany Christian Services
October 2013-January 2014 - Lots and lots (and lots!) of prayer (for serious, a lot)
February 2014 - Drove to central FL for the weekend to attend a 2-day adoptive parents' training (side note:: minds utterly and completely blown... ask us about it sometime)
March-April 2014 - Fill out more paperwork than one would ever think humanly possible... My hands cramp up just at the thought of it!
Monday after Easter weekend - Met our caseworkers (fell head over heels IN LOVE with them) and began the Home Study process
June 2014 (just days after TH's 30th birthday) - Home Study completed! Whew!
July-current - Create profile book (almost done!), wait for official HS approval, research grants/loans/fundraising
Next steps - Wait to be matched with expectant parent(s). <--- Oh my dearest loves, please pray for us... This is going to be super challenging...

So, in a nutshell, that's what's going on with us lately :) I'd love to stay and chat some more, but this has been lengthy and I have a breakfast date with JFS & ES!   xoxoxo

Until next time, 